We've had a nice cool summer until the last couple weeks. It's boiling hot and we don't have air conditioning. Bummer. Thank goodness for fans.
The boys had a couple rounds of swim lessons, Ben’s for the first time. He was very opposed to the idea for the first week or so. Then he started enjoying himself. I had to bribe him with Jamba Juice and Pirate’s Booty. My niece, Kristen, stayed with us for 2 weeks. The kids had a blast together. We played at the beach, saw butterflies at the nature center, and celebrated her 6th birthday at the fair. She and Ben got to ride their first elephant ever. They were mesmerized and crazy excited!
We went on a week and a half road trip to Colorado Springs for my 30th birthday to be with my dear friends. Anna Peterson lives there and Laurie flew in from D.C. I felt so loved and blessed. I had an amazing adventure driving around America with my family and seeing how beautiful it really is. The boys traveled so well, it blew my mind. I finally got to meet Anna’s little girl, Lila. I cherish every moment I spent with my girlfriends...we laughed, we cried...bliss :) My parents were amazing, yet again, and drove down to get our dog to doggy-sit, and then returned her once we arrived home. Thanks mom and dad.
Now we’ve got Grandma Jean here visiting for 3 weeks and we enjoy her so much. Caleb will be celebrating his 8th birthday in a couple weeks (9/15) and starts 3rd grade on Monday (8/31). I’m very excited because the home school program got new English/Language Arts curriculum that is everything I could have ever imagined.