Caleb had a great trip and
got to reconnect with a handful of good friends. Juan and Tracy did a lot with the kids. They got to go to Disneyland , the beach, Medieval Times Dinner
& Tournament, and they got to explore a battleship. Thanks Juan and Tracy for pouring love into
my boy!
In an effort to form
better deep cleaning habits for myself and the kids, we started following the
Fly Lady's zone plan for 15 min per day.
I also implemented a new
laundry system inspired by the idea of doing 1 load of laundry a day. Jon put in the shelf that made it all
possible! The kids and husband are
adapting quickly to learning to sort their clothes into the appropriate baskets.
The space used to be home to 2 tall
hampers. I'm so excited to not have to do
the weekly big laundry sort and 2-3 days it took to process the laundry. I love that I can see at a glance what basket
is filling up and is ready for a wash.
Lighting struck our house one
night!!! It was an intense experience! It was super dramatic, super loud, super
bright with lots of sparks and bursting sounds. We're so thankful that nothing caught on fire!
I'm also extremely thankful I woke up a
few minutes before and felt prompted to get out of bed to unplug our computer.
Thank the Lord for that! Sadly, the
lighting fried our television, internet antennae, router, some inputs on the
back of our reciever, some of Caleb’s video game systems, my lamp, some cables,
and my expensive Tivoli
speaker that I use to listen to music.
Our house is grounded and everything was plugged into surge protectors,
but apparently the electrical surge came through the internet line and the
cable attached to the television antennae when both antennas were hit by
lightning. From now on we’ll have to
unplug those 2 cables anytime there is lightning overhead. As an extra precaution, we’ll also unplug the
important electronics. At least we had
Grandma Jean's old TV in storage. One electronic problem solved. Jon jimmy rigged a few other things to get
the antenna connected again and to get Caleb’s Wii working again. We bought a new digital converter box and a
new router. I contacted the Tivoli company and I can
send the speaker in for repair for $75, so I’m going to save up for that. We’re back in business for most of our electronic
I weeded and mulched my
garden beds on the weekends this month while Jon was working on other
projects. Hopefully my work will prevent
future weeds and help with water retention.
It was so much more work than if I would have done it before planting. Putting weed fabric down around growing plants
was very tricky! I'll be more organized,
prepared, and timely next year.
We finished our homeschool
year the last day of May!!!!! I'm so
proud of myself and the boys. Ben is now
done with 1st grade and Caleb is now done with 6th grade!!! It’s sooo crazy that I'll have a junior higher
next year! I’m looking forward to
taking a summer break! This mama needs
it! I'm so thankful for CHEP, our
homeschooling partner in California .
Blessings on you and
The Hartshorns